Stan Bondi

I spent my early career producing software having nothing much to do with the web. So when Larry - a long-time friend from school days - started discussing the possibility of starting a web development company, I jumped right in. What we came up with is Mouse Potato!

The web is a daunting place for a new-comer — you routinely have to use several technologies at once, and account for a multitude of "quirks" in browsers used today (at least it's possible to "fix IE"). This, coupled with the multitude of devices, form-factors, screen sizes, pixel densities to support, presents quite a challenge for the newcomer. Luckily for us there is a friendly community of top women and men who are happy to share their thoughts and ideas (and code).

So what is this site all about? One part is to market our services to potential clients wanting to undertake a project on the web. The other part is a way for us to improve our skills through blogging, to make better use of the tools we use in our craft and to develop new techniques and methodologies. In this way we hope too to contribute in some way to this great community.

Here's to the continuous and collaborative improvement of the web!


Want to get hold of me? Visit our contact page.

Urgently want to get hold of me? my way.


Posts by Stan Bondi:

March 2012

February 2012

November 2011