If you develop anything for the web, you’ll have to have come across the great tools modern browsers have for building web applications. Notably Chrome’s Developer Tools, FireFox 11 (Aurora) and Opera’s Dragonfly all help us gain an incite into the browsers interpretation of our code and allows us to quickly and easily find and […]
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Every now and then a front end developer may wish that an element situated below another may be selected. The pointer-events property can solve that, but there are a few important considerations to understand first!
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In learning SVG, having a great place to start can make the experience that little bit more speedy and enjoyable. This is a very basic base template on which to begin learning and experimenting with the power of SVG.
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text-shadow is (unsurprisingly) not supported in IE9. This little trick creates a similar effect in IE9 as text-shadow does in all other modern browsers.
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