Website Development

Primarily a web development company, we thrive on the challenges and evolving nature of the industry. With a focus on the latest technologies, we strive to bring websites to our clients using modern standards, while ensuring that sites are developed to be usable on older browsers.

Our aim is to bring cutting edge technologies to clients' websites while maintaining a strong focus on best practices, efficiency, and usability.

The following are a few of the web development services we offer:

Technologies We Use

Website development requires a vast knowledge covering a range of different areas, as well as a passion for constant learning. There is always something new, and always something exciting for us to learn. Some of the technologies we develop websites with are:

  • PHP
  • Ruby and Ruby on Rails
  • HTML and HTML5
  • CSS and CSS3
  • SVG
  • A range of Javascript libraries including:
    • jQuery
    • Angular.js
    • Backbone.js
    • Underscore.js
  • mySQL, MongoDB
  • Apache Web Server, Nginx